
Free Airspace Maps & APIs

Make safe and compliant flights with increased airspace awareness

Try the Watchtower Airspace map for free on your browser, no installation required.

Drone NPNT compliance

Watchtower is a free interactive Airspace map

Take your drone flights to the next level with increased situational awareness

Tablet showing watchtower application screenshot
compliant drone flight
Know the airspace and advisories around you before you fly.
drone registration Digital Sky
Get Weather, GPS satellite visibility and geomagnetic storm index, and more
drone flying Digital Sky
Use the maps easily on mobile or web, wherever you are

Supercharge your airspace awareness

  • Detailed airspace layers for your operational safety and compliance. Get information on all airspace restrictions around your flight
  • Green Zone? Red Zone? Know what zone you're flying in India with a click
  • Get detailed information on everything you need to know before you takeoff.
Zone informations for red, green, and yellow zones in India.
Supplementary data provided by watchtower - weather forecasts, GPS satellite predictions, geomagnetic storm indices, etc.

Go beyond airspace

  • With extra information on parks, wildlife sanctuaries, nuclear power plants, urban areas and more, be more prepared than the average operator.
  • Get detailed weather information and forecasts, GPS Satellite visibility, Geomagnetic Storm index, etc and more before you fly.
  • Instant access to all airspace information that you need. Toggle visibility and control what you need to know to make your operations a success

There for you, wherever you fly

  • Access the map on mobile or web, with fast responsive controls
  • Upload KMLs or draw your flight area to plan your flights
  • Simply tap or search by location to get the info you need‍
Check your airspace now! 🚀

Watchtower powers the Skylark Drones ecosystem and is now open for you

As founders of private drone industry body DICE to building DronePass -the industry leading NPNT Airspace Authorization Module, we have been at the forefront of working with the Indian government on strong and forward-thinking drone regulations

More than just a map, Watchtower can power your app

Use Watchtower's powerful APIs to add airspace awareness to your applications. From tiles, vectors and supplementary data, we have everything you need and more!

secure drone compliance
99.999% uptime

With our guaranteed 99.999% uptime, you can focus on your flights and not worry about airspace.

drone compliance anywhere
Secure Authentication

Secure Token based authentication for API access.

drone compliance interface
Clean billing

Simple pay as you go pricing, so you can focus on building your application.

drone compliance anywhere
Tile Service

Get blazing fast vector tiles for all airspace information

drone compliance anywhere
Granular Advisories

Get advisories and airspace information only where you need with granular control

drone compliance anywhere
More than Airspace

Get Weather forecasts, GPS visibility estimates, Zone information and more via API

Power your enterprise too with aerial insights from Specterra

Enter Spectra
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